Interesting Talk by Professor Stephen Rosen: Warfare and AI
46 minutes ago
"There will be no Dunkirk here. If we have to get out we will fight our way out. There will be no surrender and no retreat" Australian General Les Morshead. Hero of Tobruk.
That is a very nice job, really good my friend.
Very nice paintwork, and here in the south east of England it's bloody freezing!!
A well done job.
damn you! I rushed on over as soon as I saw the prompt thinking it would be your new fleet models. Germans are good too, nice work
Well done Paul :) nice one - I think my problem was general lack of painting morale, that & xbox/PS3/PC gaming... however I have been chipping away slowly on bits & bobs more lately...
Really like the Battlefront stuff although a little expensive here.
Cool Beccas, I've managed to paint a 28mm French Somua S35. Looks like we're emerging from the summer!
Very nice...satisfying feeling when you´ve done something eh? :-D
Outstanding. You cannot keep a good man down!
I like it. The flag is a nice tough. Regards, Dean
Thanks for everyones comments.
@PP. I still have to finish off 7 SS figures that are half done before I move onto my fleet.
Good job mate!
Sorry for beating you mate with the unpaited rocket truck if I had any feelings I would feel very bad. (Luckily it felt good)
Very nice job mate - it must have been murder in that Perth heat too!
Thats really cool!
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