I am running the Achtung Bolt Action Tournament which will be held on March 17, 2013 at the Perth Miniatures Gaming Group in Western Australia. Below are the prizes the combatants will be fighting for. Many thanks to Ian at War and Peace Games Australia, and to Adam at 4Ground UK. You guys are legends and true gentlemen of the wargaming world.
BEST PAINTED ARMY - Prize value $220.00
*Army Painter Mega Paint Set - Sponsored by War and Peace Games
*28mm SD.KFZ 251/1 Half track - Sponsored by War and Peace Games
1ST PLACE - Prize value $230.00
*28mm 1000 Point Bolt Action US Starter Army - Sponsored by War and Peace Games
*28mm Damage Detached House - Sponsored by 4Ground
2ND PLACE - Prise Value $150.00
*28mm British Infantry Box Set - Sponsored by War and Peace Games
*28mm Ruined House 1 - Sponsored by 4Ground
*28mm Damaged Detached House - Sponsored by 4Ground
*Special Trophy
*All players will receive a victory plaque
In addition there will be spot prizes awarded for round by round challenges such as first to kill an officer, or first to destroy a tank. Prizes include 28mm ruined buildings from 4Ground, Bolt Action accessories and an Osprey book. Total value of challenge prizes is $150.00 (approx). Prizes sponsored by War and Peace Games and 4Ground.